Rgb To Munsell Converter Weight

Source: R/munsell2rgb.R

Color conversion based on a look-up table of common soil colors.


  1. Munshell Conversion Table to RAL Color Code Munsell No. RGB N 1.5 55,54,54 N6.0 Name Black No. RAL RGB RAL 9017 30,030,030 143,143,141 RAL 7045 144,144,144.
  2. Conversions Between the Munsell and sRGB Colour Systems Paul Centore c 26 April 2013 This document provides tables that convert between Munsell colours, and colours produced by an sRGB system. It is shown that the conversions can produce Mun. The RGB system is suitable for electronic colour displays, such as computer monitors.

Dec 03, 2018 Munsell To Rgb Color Conversion; Pms To Rgb Converter; Color code converter. Color code converter. HEX value is 6 digits (rrggbb). RGB values are in range of 0.255. Temperature conversion. How does one take a color expressed in an RGB value (say, three coordinates from 0-255) and produce from it a color temperature in kelvin (or mireds)? For Munsell to RGB conversion, a vector of R colors is returned that is the same length as the input data. For RGB to Munsell conversion, a dataframe (NA-padded) of hue, value, chroma, and Euclidean distance to nearest matching color is returned. The is a simple online tool that lets you browse the Munsell color notation in your web browser.


a vector of one or more more hues, upper-case (e.g. '10YR')


a vector of one or more values (e.g. '4')


a vector of one or more chromas (e.g. '6'), may be NA for neutral hues


numeric, transparency setting used when return_triplets = FALSE and returnLAB = FALSE


maximum sRGB color value, typically 1 (see rgb)


logical, return sRGB coordinates (range 0-1) instead of standard hex notation of sRGB (e.g. '#8080B')


logical, return CIELAB coordinates (D65 illuminant)

Rgb To Munsell Converter Weights


A vector of R colors is returned that is the same length as the input data. When return_triplets = TRUE and/or returnLAB = TRUE, then a data.frame (of sample length as input) is returned.

Rgb To Munsell Converter Weight Gain


This function is vectorized without recycling: i.e. the length of each argument must be the same. Both functions will pad output with NA if there are any NA present in the inputs.

Neutral hues are approximated by greyscale shades ranging from 20

Gley soil colors that are missing a chroma will not be correctly interpreted. Consider using a chroma of 1.Values of '2.5' (common in soil color descriptions) are silently truncated to '2'.Non-standard Munsell notation (e.g. '7.9YR 2.7/2.0') can be matched (nearest-neighbor, no interpolation) to the closest color within the munsell sRGB/CIELAB look-up table via getClosestMunsellChip(). A more accurate estimate of sRGB values from non-standard notation can be achieved with the munsellinterpol package.

Munsell color codeMunsell

See examples below.


Care should be taken when using the resulting sRGB values; they are close to their Munsell counterparts, but will vary based on your monitor and ambient lighting conditions. Also, the value used for maxColorValue will affect the brightness of the colors. Th default value (1) will usually give acceptable results, but can be adjusted to force the colors closer to what the user thinks they should look like.



D.E. Beaudette


Source: R/munsell2rgb.R

Munsell Color Code

Convert sRGB color coordinates to the closest n Munsell chips in the munsell lookup table.

Munsell Color Conversion To Rgb


Rgb To Munsell Converter Weight

Rgb To Munsell Converter Weight Conversion


a data.frame or matrix object containing sRGB coordinates in the range of (0,1)


distance metric (colorspace) to use for finding the closest chip: CIE2000 is the most accurate but requires farver >= 2.0.3, Euclidean distance in CIELAB is a close second, while Euclidean distance in sRGB is not at all accurate and should only be used for demonstration purposes.


number of closest Munsell colors to return (valid range is 1-20)


Rgb To Munsell Converter

an (NA-padded) data.frame containing hue, value, chroma, and distance (dE00 when colorSpace = 'CIE2000', Euclidean distance otherwise) to nearest matching color.


This function is fully vectorized and will pad output with NA-records when NA are present in color.



D.E. Beaudette
