Cylinder type TFMX-nC series [Example of a model code] TFMX-11C 15 08 Contents of model code: a = model name a b c b = number of needles c = number of heads * Consultation for orders of special embroidery machines requirements is also available. Factory Option | Automatic Lubrication System, Jumbo Rotary Hook,Sequin Device N, Sequin Device II Twin Type, Lochrose Embroidery Device, Position Marker Option | High-Speed Cording Device, Boring Device I(not applicable with cap frames), Emb. Lam6 Attachment, Cap Frame, Cylindrical Frame, Border Frame, Pocket Frame, Under Thread Winder, Beam Sensor | Stitch length | Ternary scale : 0.1 ~12.1mm, Binary scale : 0.1~12.7mm Speed | Max. 1 .OOOrprn Motor | AC Servo MotorXI, Pulse MotorX2 Flat type TFMX series [Example of a model code] TFMX- 12 08 Contents of model code: a = model name a b c b = number of needles *Different type Color change device is mounted to the specified with a mark. (TFMX series) Jumbo Design Embroidery Machine [Example of a model code] TFMX- 12 02 Contents of model code: a = model name a b c b = number of needles * Consultation for orders of special embroidery machines requirements is also available. | Factory Option | Automatic Lubrication System, Jumbo Rotary Hook, Sequin Device IV, Sequin Device H Twin Type, Lochrose Embroidery Device, Position Marker | Stitch length | [ Speed ] High-Speed Cording Device, Boring Device I, Emb. Lamd Attachment, Under Thread Winder, Beam Sensor Ternary scale : 0.1 ~12.1mm, Binary scale : 0.1~12.7mm Max. 1,OOOrprn Jumbo Design Embroidery Machine : Max. 1,200rpm AC Servo MotorXI, Pulse MotorX2 Power consumption * We reserve the right to change the specification for improvements without previous notice. * Embroidery space for tubular or cap or border frame means inner space within a frame. However, it varies, depending on the embroidered goods or applicable conditions. * No design or registered trademark of the products contained in this catalogue may be used without the prior permission. * Rotational speed may vary, depending on the applicable conditions, machine models or frame types. * Windows’, Windows' CE is a trademark or a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation, USA. TAJIAA Tajima /Industries Ltd. 19-22, Shirakabe 3-chome, Higashi-ku Nagoya 461-0011 JAPAN TELEPHONE81 -52-932-3444, 3445 FACSIMILES1-52-932-2457, 3449 http://www tajima com Tokai Industrial Sewing Machine Co.,ltd. No. 1800 Ushiyama-cho, Kasugai Aichi-pre. 486-0901 JAPAN Shanghai Tajima Embroidery Machinery Co., Ltd. (China) TAJIMA AMERICA CORPORATION (U.S.A.)

User's Guides, Owner's Manuals, Service Manuals, Instructions Books - The largest database - Immediate download or research services Manuals - Click below to view machine manuals/parts lists. Tajima TFMX-IIC 2009.03. Tajima TFMX-IIC 2007.02. Tajima TFMX-IIC 2005.07. Tajima TFMX-IIC 2004.11. The machine was stopped right at the end of the design. The machine was stopped at a trim. The machine was stopped while it was in the middle of frame movement. The machine was stopped by a manual trim. After backing up to repair missing stitches the machine has been told to stop sewing by a parameter setting at.
