Vmware Fusion Convert Dmg To Vmdk

  1. Vmware Import Vmdk File
  2. How To Open Vmdk Vmware

This technique allows you to convert VMware based VM’s across to the Xen Hypervisor (current version 4.1.3)

To convert macOS Catalina from DMG to ISO file follow the below process which will help you to make the ISO file from DMG file. Create a DMG Disk Image. A word of caution when using qemu-img to convert images for use with VMWare Fusion - Fusion doesn't like disks that aren't sized exactly to. Oct 28, 2017 VMware Converter also supports multiple formats of the virtual machine and physical machine to convert to VMware Virtual machine and also Converts other formats of Disk to VMDK format. VMware Converter standalone has Centralized management console allows you to queue up and monitor many simultaneous conversions, both local and remote, such as.


This step might be unnessaray for VM’s that don’t utilise sparse based virtual harddrives, but its best just to do it so everyone is at the same step. Find the vmware-vdiskmanager utility included with your VMware install.

On Mac for VMware Fusion this can be found at:

/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library/vmware-vdiskmanager


Or in some other versions


/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/vmware-vdiskmanager

Change ‘cd’ into the relevant directory once found.
Consolidate the VMDK file

./vmware-vdiskmanager -r vm_to_be_converted.vmdk -t 0 temp.vmdk

Copy the temp VMDK across to the target Xen Hypervisor

scp temp.vmdk root@target_ip:/var/lib/libvirt/images

Vmware Fusion Convert Dmg To Vmdk

Once copied, use qumu-img to convert the VMDK file to a RAW format
qemu-img convert temp.vmdk -O raw /var/lib/libvirt/images/temp.img


Vmware Import Vmdk File

Create a basic config file for the new VM

cd /etc/xen/new_vm_config

name = “new_vm”
memory = “256”
disk = [ ‘file:/var/lib/libvirt/images/temp.iso,hda,w’, ]
vif = [ ‘bridge=br0’, ]
on_reboot = ‘restart’
on_crash = ‘restart’

How To Open Vmdk Vmware

Boot up the new VM

xm create new_vm

You may find network may be unavailable, due to a change in MAC addresses assigned to the VM. Use virsh edit to find the current MAC address assigned to the VM, and update the network interface within the VM accordingly. Then reboot the VM or restart network services in order to re-establish network access.