Did you know that Webkinz MAZIN’ Hamster Feature Codes
unlock three different ways to play?
Note that MAZIN’ Hamsters are not regular Webkinz pets. They do not receive exclusive items and do not count towards your pet total. They also cannot be used to open a Webkinz account. You’ll still need a Webkinz pet to do that. If you haven’t tried MAZIN’ Hamsters yet, this is. Codes allow you to join Mazin Hamster World; Add to your collection to build up your Mazin Hamster virtual plush family; Great gifts for kids of all ages; Webkinz pets are lovable plush pets that each come with a unique SECRET CODE. The Webkinz World player who registers the millionth Mazin’ Hamster will receive a (virtual) code for every Mazin’ Hamster pal released in our 3-D World to date! That’s 27 of your favorite little critters like Fresco, Zap and Flora.
Register Online-only MAZIN’ Hamster Feature Codes in the Code Shop on Webkinz.com and in the Register A Zing section of the Journal on AmazingWorld.com and unlock AMAZING 3D worlds of fun!
AMAZING WORLD is a FUN, NEW 3D game for all types of gamers. Adventure-lovers can embark on exciting quests and explore the beautiful landscapes of Amazing World while social butterflies might prefer to just chat with friends and play games.
Webkinz Mazin Hamsters Rooms
You may find MAZIN’ Hamsters, Amazing World Zings and so much more on eStore!